Part 1: 4 Ways Parents Can Create A Positive Youth Sport Environment:

March 1, 2019

Youth Sports can be one of the most positive and influential experiences in the life of a young athlete. Parents, Coaches, and Organizations play a huge role in this. Today we’re going to focus on the first 2 ways parents can enhance their child’s youth sport experience.

1. The Car Ride Home:

Changing the Game conducted a study and one of the questions asked children “What was your least favorite moment in sports?” The car ride home after games was often the #1 response.

After a game emotions, frustrations, and fatigue are heightened for players and parents. This is not the best place to teach a lesson even if it comes from good intentions.

Give time and space for your child to recover physically and emotionally. Be a source of support and encouragement. A better conversation will often take place hours after the game than minutes. The most important words they can hear from you are simply “I love watching you play.”

2. Ask Questions that Promote Learning & Improvement:

Did you win? How many points did you score? These are easy questions to ask and not terrible in nature. But if they are the only questions a player hears it implies that the outcome and individual performances are the only things that matter.

Here are 4 questions that promote learning, being a great teammate, and working through adversity. This is not an exact formula but simply a guide to helps parents and players.

1. What was 1 thing you did well in today’s game?
We often focus on the negative, this helps a player focus on a positive aspect from the game.

2. What was 1 challenging thing you experienced today?
Acknowledges that sport is difficult and allows a young athlete to work through adversity.

3. What was 1 thing you did to help your teammates?
Helps players take the focus off themselves and place the focus on their teammates.

4. What did your coach say was important about the game?
Asking about the coach raises the level of respect your child will show them.

Written by Impact Hoops Owner/Head Director Jon Schmidt.



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Part 2: 4 ways for Parents to Create a Positive Youth Sport Environment

Part 1: 4 ways for Parents to Create a Positive Youth Sport Environment


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