The No Complaining Challenge

Jan 30, 2018

“Have you ever stopped to consider the fact that it would be possible to go through your whole life without ever bothering to complain about anything? Many people have made commitments to do just that and they love the results. So would you.” Dick Devenzio

“Complaining is like vomiting. It makes you feel better but makes everyone else feel sick” – Jon Gordon

I am the first to admit that I have not mastered living a life with no complaining. It is something I am working on and felt what better way to hold myself accountable then to share the no complaining challenge with the players, parents, and coaches in our program.

If you think about a typical day in your work environment, school environment, or team environment. Are you a complainer? Are you a contaminator? Or are you a CONTRIBUTOR?

It is very COMMON to hear people complain, be negative, and talk bad about others. Sports are no exception.

For players, parents, and coaches if you choose to complain the list will be endless. Playing time, losing games, shot isn’t falling, the referees suck, coach isn’t fair, teammates don’t pass the ball, the rims are hard, the floor is slippery, the referees suck, administrators are difficult, parents don’t support me, the referees suck. Did we mention the referees suck?

It is very UNCOMMON to hear people stay positive in the face of adversity, to view obstacles as opportunities, to look for solutions rather than problems, to see the best in others, to celebrate others, and to be grateful for what you do have.

I think deep down no one wants to live a life filled with complaining and negativity. So what kind of player, what kind of coach, what kind of parent are you committed to being?

We encourage you to start small. Players go a full practice without complaining. Parents go a full game without complaining from the stands. Coaches go 24 hours without complaining after a loss.

Challenge yourself to build the daily habit of NO COMPLAINING and see how it changes the way you live and the way you view others.

Written by Impact Hoops Owner/Head Director Jon Schmidt.



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